Selfmadehero Frida Kahlo: Her Life, Her Work, Her Home

483,97 € Prejsť do obchodu
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O komikse v slovenčine:S podporou Múzea Fridy Kahlo v Mexico City táto grafická novela skúma verejné a súkromné tváre ikonickej umelkyne Fridy Kahlo.Frida Kahlo, ktorú si pamätáme ako jednu z najinšpirujúcejších osobností 20. storočia, bola žena dvoch prepletených častí: bola to charizmatická a silná umelkyňa, ktorá skúmala témy odporu, autenticity, krutosti a utrpenia, a súkromnejšia osoba, ktorej zranené telo jej spôsobilo celoživotnú bolesť, ktorá podložila mnohé úspechy a sklamania, ktoré poznačili jej čas na svete. Francisco de la Mora v tejto grafickej biografii, ktorá je dokončená s podporou Múzea Fridy Kahlo v Mexico City, živo dokumentuje krajiny a prostredia, ktoré ju inšpirovali, sny a nočné mory, ktoré ju viedli, a mnohých ľudí, ktorých milovala. Je to radostná a krásna pocta jej životu, dielu, domovu – a jej umeniu. O komikse v angličtine:Endorsed by the Frida Kahlo Museum in Mexico City, this graphic novel explores the public and private faces of iconic artist Frida KahloFrida Kahlo, remembered as one of the most inspiring personalities of the 20th century, was a woman of two intertwined parts: she was both a charismatic and empowered artist exploring themes of resistance, authenticity, cruelty, and suffering, and a more private person whose wounded body caused her a lifetime of pain that underpinned the many successes and disappointments that marked her time in the world. Revealing and exploring these two Fridas, Francisco de la Mora’s graphic biography – completed with the endorsement and support of the Frida Kahlo Museum in Mexico City – vividly documents the landscapes and environments that inspired her, the dreams and nightmares that drove her, and the many people she loved. It is also a joyously beautiful tribute to her life, her work, her home – and her art.

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