Haikasoru ICO: Castle in the Mist

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O knihe v slovenčine:Vysoká fantasy a pravá láska ožívajú v tomto románe založenom na populárnej videohre.Chlapec s rohmi, poznačený na smrť.Dievča, ktoré spí v železnej klietke.Hrad zahalený v hmle si vyžaduje svoju obeť: rohaté dieťa, ktoré sa narodí raz za generáciu. Keď jedinej noci v trinástom roku narastú Icovi rohy dlhé a zakrivené, vie, že jeho čas nadišiel. Ale prečo hrad Hmly požaduje túto obeť a dokáže hrad zabrániť tomu, aby sa Icov osud prepojil s osudom dievčaťa uväzneného v jeho múroch?Ponorte sa do tajomstiev fantasy diela Miyuki Miyabea: veľkolepého počinu predstavivosti inšpirovaného oceňovanou hrou pre PlayStation 2.Keď chlapcovi menom Ico cez noc narastú dlhé zakrivené rohy, jeho osud je spečatený – má byť obetovaný v Hrade Hmly. Ale v hrade Ico stretne mladé dievča menom Yorda, ktoré je uväznené v jeho sieňach. Zomrú úplne osamotení, ale spolu by Ico a Yorda mohli vzdorovať svojmu osudu a uniknúť mágii hradu.Na základe videohry, ktorú filmár Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy, Pan's Labyrinth) označil za „majstrovské dielo“, vytvoril japonský popredný fantasista Miyuki Miyabe príbeh o mágii, strate a láske, na ktorý sa nikdy nezabudne. O knihe v angličtine:High fantasy and true love come to life in this novel based on the hit video game.A boy with horns, marked for death.A girl who sleeps in a cage of iron.The Castle of the Mist calls for its sacrifice: a horned child, born once a generation. When, on a single night in his thirteenth year, Ico's horns grow long and curved, he knows his time has come. But why does the Castle of the Mist demand this offering, and can the castle keep Ico's destiny from intertwining with that of the girl imprisoned within its walls?Delve into the mysteries of Miyuki Miyabe's work of fantasy: a grand achievement of imagination, inspired by the award-winning game for the PlayStation 2, soon to be remastered in high-definition for the PlayStation 3.When a boy named Ico grows long curved horns overnight, his fate has been sealed—he is to be sacrificed in the Castle in the Mist. But in the castle, Ico meets a young girl named Yorda imprisoned in its halls. Alone they will die, but together Ico and Yorda might just be able to defy their destinies and escape the magic of the castle.Based on the video game filmmaker Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy, Pan's Labyrinth) called a “masterpiece,” Japan's leading fantasist Miyuki Miyabe has crafted a tale of magic, loss, and love that will never be forgotten.

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